A new picture of HDL metabolism
See our review on how mass spectrometry is impacting cardiovascular disease research
About Us
The Proteomics Group integrates numerous mass spectrometry-based strategies into the various research programs at CICS. As a result we collaborate with most of the scientists at the center. Some of our favorite quantification strategies include isobaric tandem mass tagging (TMT), and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) using stable isotope labeled protein standards (FLEXIQuant). In order to meet the unique demands of our research center, our group is often involved in the development of tailored informatics tools to evaluate and visualize proteomics data (XINA).
Our goal is to match the creativity in science of our collaborators with equally creative mass spectrometric strategies for all basic research and target-discovery endeavors related to treating cardiovascular diseases.
Our lab’s publications are featured on the Atlas of Science website
Can we create easy-to-use software to capture the complex behaviors of proteins?
A new picture for an old biology, HDL as you’ve never seen it before